Inspired by Diablo games and actual Hardcore Challenge of Classic realms, we welcome you to join the true test of your player's skills: leveling as a mortal being. The ultimate goal of this challenge is to reach level 60 without ever dying. Once you’re level 60, you can participate in raiding and PvP without a risk of losing your character.
HOW DOES IT WORK?(怎样参加专家模式)
To join the challenge, create a character as usual and find the NPC named Mysterious Stranger in your starting location. Accept and complete the quest “Stay awhile and listen…” to become mortal. This decision is irreversible. Your bags, bank and mail items will be erased once you turn mortal.
You will automatically join a guild of hardcore players to help you easily find players who are also leveling hardcore characters. You are free to leave this guild and join any other guild or continue adventure alone.
★ When your character dies, the game ends for you. If you choose to create and play a hardcore character, you do so at your own risk: we will not restore any deceased hardcore characters for any reason including connection problems, bugs, global warming, your little sister, or any other reason whatsoever.
★ Dead characters will remain locked on a selection screen unavailable for playing. As long as you don’t delete them, characters above level 10 will be displayed on our scoreboard.
★ You will be able to trade items and gold only with other Hardcore characters as long as the difference between your levels isn’t higher than 5.
★ You will be able to group up only with other Hardcore characters as long as the difference between your levels isn’t higher than 5.
★ Hardcore characters can not trade, nor buy on Auction House.
★ Hardcore characters can use mail, but with no attachments.
★ 当你的角色死亡时,游戏将对你而言结束。如果你选择创建并玩一个困难模式角色,那么你必须自担风险:我们不会因为任何原因,包括连接问题、错误、全球变暖、你的妹妹或任何其他原因,恢复任何已经死亡的困难模式角色。
★ 死亡的角色将保持锁定状态,无法进行选择以进行游戏。只要你不删除它们,10级以上的角色将在我们的积分榜上显示。
★ 只有与你级别差异不超过5级的其他困难模式角色,你才能与之交易物品和金币。
★ 只有与你级别差异不超过5级的其他困难模式角色,你才能组队。
★ 困难模式角色不能进行交易,也不能在拍卖行购买物品。
★ 困难模式角色可以使用邮件,但不能附加任何物品。
At level 60 you will be awarded with the title “Immortal”, unique tabard and a mount [Immortal Champion's Charger]